2010-10-21 | 作者:

CSR頭條新聞:環保署啟動深度稽查 遏止智慧型偷排廢水

1. 為遏止智慧型業者以合法掩護非法偷排廢水,環保署啟動「污染源深度查核計畫」。環保人員透過深度查核的稽查手段,循著事業內部「資料流、質量流及金錢流」的「三流」軌跡,讓不法事證無所遁形。(行政院環保署)

2. 中國非政府組織阿拉善SEE生態協會,與台灣企業會面,暢談兩岸環保合作計畫,今年除了阿拉善協會首度贊助台灣的保育項目外,中國萬通集團目前也正在研擬資助。(自由電子報)

3. According to Vigeo's report "Green, Social and Ethical Funds in Europe" , socially responsible investment (SRI) market trend has a sustainable  growth.(CSR EUROPE)

4. A new report uses data from Trucost to find that the cost of environmental damage equaled 11% of Gross Domestic Product, and was 20% larger than pension fund losses from financial crisis. (Social Funds)

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