2009-11-12 | 作者:


1. 2009年11月5日中國正式發佈《A股上市公司社會責任報告藍皮書2009》,中國平安最終以72.09的高分摘得“2009年度最佳社會責任報告”桂冠。此次參加2009年A股上市公司社會責任報告書獎項共有371份,比2005~2008年總發行數量140多份,增加了快2倍。  (中國經濟網)

2. Deloitte has publishes its 2009 Corporate Responsibility Report. The hightlights include Deloitte in society - details Deloitte’s values and strategy, ethics and stakeholder engagement; Investing in Communities - unveils Deloitte21 initiative, Deloitte’s focused global commitment to education and skills building. Responding to environmental challenges - outlines Deloitte’s environmental impacts this year, as well as the ongoing establishment of sustainable workplaces.  (ReportAlert)

3. 環保署公布今年企業環保獎得主,共有11家企業獲獎。今年選拔活動首次區分為製造業組與非製造業組兩組評選,也因為選拔的對象更多元,企業參選相當踴躍,共計36家報名。今年度共有11家企業獲獎,其中有7家是製造業、4家為非製造業,獲獎行業包括了高科技的電子業、傳統製造業、焚化廠及電信業。 (中央社新聞)

4. Supply-Chain Labor and Human Rights Policies are Becoming the Norm for Large Cap Companies.Some 28% of global companies - including nearly half of those with market capitalizations of more than $10 billion - have labor and human rights (LHR) policies covering their global supply chains. Geographically, LHR supply-chain policies are close to the norm among European companies, but the United States and Asia lag behind.  (Harvard Law School)

5. 南山人壽業務員歷經4個多月,與美國國際集團(AIG)及新買家博智金融控股公司談判毫無實質進展,迫使中生代另組一支「南山青年軍」,號召1萬5000名南山業務員聚集南山人壽總公司前抗議,並提出5大訴求,要求AIG在勞資爭議解決前不得易主、百分之百返還公積金。這次抗爭強調南山人的5大訴求,目的在使AIG妥善處理後續勞資爭議,並請政府嚴格把關博智是否能正式成為新東家,建立平等的協商機制與維持原有的優良業務制度,同時也是要南山人總經理陳潤霖看到南山人的憤怒與團結為個人不負責的CEO言行、不當言論與黑箱作業,向全體南山員工致歉。 (YAHOO新聞, 苦勞網新聞照片)

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