2008-09-10 | 作者:

CSR 頭版新聞 9/10/08

Green marketing – Are your claims sustainable?
The fight against greenwashing continues on. UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs will be working togather the advertising industry and NGOs to further update their "Green Claim Codes" in the fight against greenwashing. (WBCSD 9/1/08)

環保團體、網路業者和車行 共推叫車減碳
全台北市每月搭乘計程車的總量約有100萬次,據統計計程車司機每天平均工作達10.2小時,其中有三分之一的時間是在空轉。網路業者推出線上叫車服務,節省計程車空轉頻率,以期達到節能減碳的目標,而計程車資也將部分捐贈給環保團體,協助其繼續保護台灣自然環境而努力。 (苦勞網 9/3/08)

New York City Forces Business to Close Doors on AC
New York City's leadership has showed in the energy efficiency arena. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg signed the first ever law of this kind which prohibits businesses from blasting air conditioning out open doors to attract customers and wasting energy. (SustainableBusiness.com News 9/5/08)

GM Commits to Zero Waste At Half of Its Factories
GM commits to convert half of its global manufacturing waste by the end of 2010. Not only are GM doing this for CSR image, but they are also making good business out of it; GM's recycled metal scrape is reaching sales of $1 billion in annual revenue, and $16 million in reveue in North America from recycled cardboard, wood, oil, plastic, etc. (SustainableBusiness.com News 9/8/08)

- CSRone Team

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