2009-10-01 | 作者:


1. Jobs在美國商業周刊訪問中談蘋果的目標與挑戰:響應節能減碳,減少蘋果產品的排碳量。 2007年起,喬布斯在演說中發布新品的「環保計分表」,並成立小組進行「從搖籃到墳墓」的長遠計畫。 (摘自聯合新聞網)

2. Report from Kanal Consulting focuses on practical ways that organizations can implement sustainability to improve the bottom line and the environment.The 12 key points in the report are: 1.) Integrate sustainability into the company's vision, values, or core mission statement. 2. ) Set goals that are specific, credible, measurable, and normalized for business changes. 3.) Treat sustainability projects with the same business case requirements as other projects.....  (下載PDF檔案)

3. 根據美國史丹佛大學、密西根大學研究,願意主動提供資訊與資本市場溝通的公司,可吸引更多投資人成為公司股東。投資人希望公司清楚的揭露報酬決定方式並建立合理的薪酬制度,如設置薪酬委員會,對於企業「肥貓」市場相當排斥。 (Yahoo新聞連結)

4. 英國氣象局最新研究報告指出,地球暖化加劇,2070年時地球平均氣溫將上升攝氏四度,但若狀況惡化,可能提前至二○六○年便會發生。而據非政府組織「氣候調適經濟」(Economics of Climate Adaptation)工作集團最新報告,五十年來氣候變化導致的災情,已造成逾八十萬人死亡及一兆美元的經濟損失。 (苦勞網新聞連結)

5. The third annual global CR Reporting Awards, the CRRA ‘09, are open for entries. The CR Reporting Awards (CRRA) will identify and acknowledge the leading corporate non-financial reports published during 2008-2009. Further details, pls check CRRA website

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