2009-08-10 | 作者:


1.金管會已於98年8月4日下午5時30分接管國華人壽。金管會表示,國華人壽被接管後仍繼續營運,保戶權益依保險契約約定內容不受影響。 (聯合理財網Link)

2.全球暖化引發的氣候變遷,引發海平面上升與暴風劇增等現象,使得軍事設施難也逃毀損命運;因此,五角大廈與國務院首度將全球暖化影響納入考量,以此為依據研擬最新的國安策略。 (Yahoo新聞Link)

3.全球環保風正夯!看好綠色商機,量販業者也開始重視環保議題,紛紛推出綠色環保商品。 (Yahoo新聞Link)

4.The coal blocking activists from countries including New Zealand, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Australia and the Cook Islands have been demanding that Prime Ministers Kevin Rudd (Australia) and John Key (New Zealand) stop putting the interests of big polluters over the future and the very survival of Pacific Islands. (Greenpeace Link)

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